Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kenapa JHO LOH main perkauman? Ada apa2 ke????

Jho Loh keluar di Edge Daily hari ini dan terus salahkan "UMNO guys". Mungkin hanya sekumpulan tertentu.

Yang tak sedap, Joh Loh sudah mula bermain sentimen kaum. Adakah bila tertekan saja terus main perkauman?

Malaysiakini melaporkan:

1MDB: Low mengeluh 'budak Cina' dipersalah

Kecewa menjadi mangsa serangan, ahli perniagaan Jho Low mendakwa sesetengah pihak dalam Umno memainkan unsur perkauman untuk memberi gambaran “budak Cina curi wang dan gunakannya beli arak”.

Dalam wawancaranya dengan majalah perniagaan Euromoney, beliau berkata telah digambarkan sebagai individu utama yang menukar Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) kepada 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Katanya lima lagi anggota lembaga TIA dan penasihat-penasihat seperti Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Boston Consulting dan McKinsey sebaliknya tidak diteliti.

Low juga menyelar apabila tindakannya berparti dan hubungannya dengan Hollywood dieksploitasi oleh pengkritik.

“Saya baut duit dan saya belanjakannya, itu saja: 'Oh, dia sudah tentu buat duit daripada TIA/1MDB'. Maksud saya semua itu hanyalah tuduhan.

“Dan kerana semua gambar saya dan Paris Hilton minum dan semua itu, kemudian kata kepada bumiputera: 'Oh, budak Cina curi wang dan belanja untuk arak'.

“Dan saya sudah tentu orang yang paling bodoh jika benar-benar buat duit daripada kerajaan dan belanja macam esok nak kiamat, itu perkara paling bodoh kamu akan lakukan,” katanya.

Artikel asal di Malaysiaini SINI

Sementara itu, Malaysia Times melaporkan reaksi Khairy:

Umno Youth wants police to probe Jho Low 


KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 14: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has called on the authorities to investigate businessman Jho Low over 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and for accusing that “Umno guys are spin masters”.

“Pemuda nyatakan sokongan kpd @NajibRazak. Juga minta segerakan siasatan @1MDB. Siasatan penuh terhadap individu ini,” the Youth and Sports Minister said in a Twitter posting this morning.

(The youth have pledged their support to Najib Razak. We also ask for a speedy investigation into 1MDB. And a full-fledged probe into this individual.)

The “individual” in the posting was referring to Jho Low as Khairy also posted a picture of the Penang-born businessman.

Jho Low, in response to Khairy’s tweet, apologised and accused detractors of causing misunderstanding.

“YB, I support fully. Apologies 4 the misunderstanding caused by misinformation of those who want 2cause a rift!” Jho Low tweeted.

It was reported that Jho Low recently accused Umno leaders of being accusing Umno of being spin masters.

“Those Umno guys are spin masters,” Jho Low told business monthly Euromoney.

Citing the Euromoney’s report, Malaysiakini reported that Low had said that although 1MDB had sought his advice on certain matters, he had never profitted from the company in any way and has no official role in the firm.

It was reported that Jho Low claimed that his only links with the company was that he had helped set up the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) – 1MDB’s predecessor.

“It’s so frustrating… I’ve never faced this kind of attack from all directions. It’s just crazy, and these Umno guys are spin masters, they know all this sort of nonsense.

“All these guys go round and round and round and I say: ‘Guys, it’s very simple, there’s a board, who’s the shareholder?’

“Have you ever seen one statement from anyone that talks about the simple governance of a company?

“Are you telling me the prime minister doesn’t make his own decisions? That the ministry, the minister of finance, who is the prime minister – and there are only two to three people in the Finance Ministry that sign off on shareholder resolutions under law – that none of them… that they just signed without evaluating it?

“Did the people supposed to be responsible for decision-making (at 1MDB) suddenly decide to absolve all their responsibilities and then create this PR campaign with me as the focus of it?

“No one seems to ask the question who is the ultimate decision-maker on 1MDB? No one asks that. No one ever asks about the shareholders’ role,” Jho Low added.


Adakah dia sudah merasa akan timbul tekanan untuk dia disiasat hingga terpaksa guna sentimen kaum?

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