Wednesday, November 5, 2014

LIVE from Putrajaya: Usaha terakhir untuk tuduh dr Seah

Jam 1120: Usaha last kopek Ram Karpal untuk perburokkan Dr Seah 

11:36: Ramkarpal - samples were interfered with - we dont know who the contaminant is? Could be IO Jude or anyone else?

11.13am: Justice Arifin calls for short break. Hearing to continue at 11.30am.

11.05am: Ram says there is no doubt the prosecution concedes there is degradation in the samples and there is no degradation on the intimate swab.

Ram questions how could the sample be in pristine condition when they are not stored in the freezer as recommended.

He says this shows that the sample is not the same sample and could have been compromised.

The point which the prosecution missed is that there must be degradation following the samples are taken after 56 hours and not kept in the required submission.

10.56am: Ram says degradation is a major concern in this case.

"The sample is expected to deteriorate and Seah (the chemist) agreed.

"Seah's evidence is unreliable, first she says the sample showed no signs of degradation but when asked further she agreed it should show signs," he says.

10.43am: Justice Suriyadi asks if the 18 allele is foreign that does not extinguish the presence of Anwar in those samples i.e. from the lock-up and Saiful but Ram emphasised that what it can also mean is that Anwar was not even there (in the condominium).

Ram says the chemist Seah also agreed there was no degradation in the sample although it was taken after 56 hours.

He points out that she did not use the word "pristine" but agreed there was no degradation in the samples.

However, he adds, she agrees degradation will happen.

Jam 1112: Ramkarpal - literature clear that if samples taken from anus/ vagina after 65 hours, the DNA would have degraded/ destroyed.

Ramkarpal - further samples kept in Jude's peti besi -not refrigerated as required. Would have degraded further but not seen in DNA analysis

Jam 1047; Ramkarpal - not safe to rely on DNA analysis of samples - no connection to Anwar as it has not been established he is Male Y.

Pristine merely means no degradation. Chemist evidence is clear - clean & no degradation of samples.

 10.30am: Ram says there cannot be speculation and assumption.

He says the contamination or the conclusion that one can infer is that the samples had been compromised.


Satu tompok saja yang di reject tapi tompok2 lain dah confirm Male Y itu Anwar Ibrahim. Sahlah Anwar liwat ....!

Jam 1034: Ramkarpal - burden on prosecution to exclude innocent contamination - not on defence. Prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt. not job of court to bridge the gaps in the prosecution's case. CoA commited grave miscarriage of justice by requiring defence to prove contamination.

Wrong to say that reamplification would destroy the DNA samples. Reamplification must be redone until results are clear.

Shafee - samples were interfered with - we dont know who the contaminant is? Could be IO Jude or anyone else?


Kalau macam gini, PKR tak layak guna perkataan keadilan tapi kelentong

Jam 1030: Shafee speculated that Dr Osman's DNA contaminated Saiful's samples. Absolutely no evidence to suggest Dr Osman. Was Dr Osman also in lockup to contaminate items allegedly used by Anwar? reading is same as contaminant of Saiful s samples.

 10.20am: Ram says the 18 allele appeared on the Good Morning towel, toothbrush and mineral water bottle.

He adds that a re-amplification should be done to explain the presence of the 18 allele.

This is similar to the Teoh Beng Hock case where a foreign allele was found on the deceased’s belt.

Ram emphasised it is for the prosecution to explain why there is the presence of the 18 allele.

"It also appeared in the B9 high rectal swab and the lock-up from the Good Morning towel".

Prosecution explained that it probably came from Pusrawi Hospital’s Dr Mohd Osman Abdul Hamid but there is no evidence for this.

Ram argues that the prosecution cannot say it is Dr Osman but can term it as probable.

"But the 18 allele also appeared in the lock-up. Did Dr Osman go to the lock-up. This shows the said samples must come from a third party," Ram says.

He says the link to Dr Osman cannot be proven and it is dangerous to speculate.

"There is no evidence to support the prosecution's argument. The burden is on the prosecution to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt," he adds.

Buat apa pertahan penipu ini? DIa yang bat cerita ni ...

Jam 1036: Hujah Ram Karpal mahu menafikan keadilan

10am: Ram says government chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong said the 18 allele could be a sporadic contamination. It could have dropped from the same loci and that was why she ignored it.

"B9 (the high rectal swab) could have been contaminated and she says possibly," the defence lawyer said.

 10.10am: Defence lawyer Ram Karpal refers to the ‘Good morning towel’ and there is also the presence of an 18 allele.

The chemist (Nor Aidora Saedon) says the 18 allele is a stutter.

"However, based on the Chemistry Department guidelines the 18 allele is not a stutter, and it should be reported.”

Reading from Nor Aidora's testimony, the chemist later agreed that she went against her own guidelines.

"Had the Chemistry Department follow the guidelines, we would have a report of contamination.

"There can be no doubt the presence of a contaminor in the alleged 18 allele cannot be denied."

Jam 1009: Ramkarpal going thru chemist evidence where she speculated that the contaminants were not important & thus could be ignored.

Chemist's explanations completely unacceptable. Futher her stds & guidelines were not provided to court, so no way of knowing.

Chemist failed to report readings tt should be reported. She went agst her own guidelines. Important as there r contaminations.

If chemist had followed Jabatan Kimia s own guidelines - we would have a very different chemist report.


Ram Karpal perguna kekurang ilmu orang awam dan hakim dalam hal teknikal ujikaji dan experiment sains. Mana boleh semua benda nak diuji!!!??? 

Jam 0955: Ramkarpal - manufacturer's DNA kit states possible to identify contaminants contrary to Shafee's submissions.

Mereka terpaksa create doubt tentang apa yang dijumpa oleh pakar DNA kita ... Masa Mahkamah Tinggi, hakim termakan hujah pencemaran sample. Jangan lagi sekali tertipu!!!

Dalam ujian mesti ada sedikit sebanyak pelbagai reading lain. Hanya yang dominan diterima pakai.

Menurut Shafee, sperm Anwar di dubur Saiful menunjukkan Anwar liwat. Takde isu lain seperti betul ke anwar ada bersama dengan saiful?

Jam 0945: Ramkarpal submitting - Shafee s subs on DNA was mischievous as defence expert has testified that possible to identify contamination. Since contaminated with at least 2 contributors, there are DNA tests for mixed samples.


Masih dengan usaha Anwar beri harapan palsu. Menurut komentar blog ini, apa isunya:

 Jika SATU DNA yg dpt dibuktikan / MILIK salah satu daripada yg di TUDUH (daripada kumpulan yg dituduh) maka hukuman akan tetap dijatuhkan.

Manakala, JIKA DNA ketiga yg wujud dari "sperm" dalam anus Saifol maka satu pertuduhan baru memang patut dimulakan.

Namun .. dalam masa yang sama, Anwar yg dituduh secara legal .. akan tetap menghadapi pertuduhan seperti mana yg sedang berlangsung.

Seterusnya di SINI

Macam PPS ajer ...

9.16am: Defence lawyer Ram Karpal enters the courtroom with his mother, Gurmit Kaur.

Gurmit is the late Karpal's wife and she is seated next to Wan Azizah.

Lain-lain yang hadhir adalah ADUN Seri Delima Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Wangsa Maju MP Dr Tan Kee Kwong, and Lajim Ukin,

Nik Nazmi sedap-sedap dalam aircon, AMK berjemur

Jam 0933: Shafee - lodging a complaint to court of Anwar calling him to "go back to law school" in Mkini article & other publications.

More seriously, Anwar had scandalised the court by saying that if he were to retire from politics, he would be acquitted.

Shafee - discussed with AG - found them to be serious to warrant further action. Without interrupting appeal, this amounted to contempt.

Upon inquiry by Gopal Sri Ram - court said that they would like to deal with the appeal proper rather than Shafee s complaint


Memang betul tapi usah risaukan Anwar yang belajar Pengajian Melayu pun belum tentu lulus dan dapat ijazah. Kenapa takde gambar dia ambil ijazah lepas repeat????

INFO TERKINI: Ada 10 laporan polis terhadap Tian Cuak

Jam 0900: Ronnie Liu kelihatan. Kenapa rajin datang ke POJ? Nak kembali ke politik ke samseng ini setelah berdiam dua tahun???

Jam 0845; Keberangkatan Yang Kuat Meliwat AHLIL PELIWAT NEGARA merangkap KETUM bersama KIPAS

*8.30am: Kira-kira 50 orang penyokong Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mula berada di perkarangan Istana Kehakiman Putrajaya.

Penyokong Anwar semakin bertambah dari masa ke masa.

Di luar Istana Kehakiman juga kini terdapat deretan khemah sempena karnival yang akan diadakan hujung minggu ini.

* Warna Biru ini bermaksud dari Malaysiakini SINI atau SINI
Warna Kelabu dari Twitter Lawyers for Liberty SINI

Jam 0825: Hanya kelihatan dalam 200 orang penyokong anwar hadhir buat setakat ini. Nampaknya berkurangan walaupun pelbagai usaha dilakukan untuk mencanang dan viralkan mesej. Macam mana nak buat perarakan raksaksa di Dataran merdeka.

Khabarnya PASMA nak kumpul di KLCC juga untuk isu-isu barang naik dan lain-lain alasna untuk berdemo. 

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