Monday, November 3, 2014

LIVE dari Putrajaya: Kenyataan dari dock layak masuk dubor Sukma!!!

Jam 1250: Kenyataan Anwar dari dock (iaitu kandang tertuduh dan bukan kandang saksi) layak dicampak dalam dubur Sukma. Takde bersumpah dan corss examination (soalperiksa).

Mahkamah kembali pukul 2.20 PM

12.50pm: Shafee emphasises that Anwar's statement from the dock is worthless as he provided reasons which were untenable.

 He says the spreadsheet that the prosecution prepares is from the raw material of the chemist’s analysis.

The government appointed lawyer says it is copied exactly from the source.

 1.09pm: Justice Arifin announces a break with the hearing slated to resume at 2.20pm

Jam 1230: Air mani di dubur boleh kekal hingga 65 jam di rectum. Dalam kes Anwar ia adalah 56 jam.

Ada disebut ketika trial air mani boleh kekal sampai 72 jam.

12.30pm: Shafee further submits that samples from the rectum can lasts longer compared to the peri-anal.

He says there is literature that the samples can last up to 65 hours in the rectum.

"In Anwar's case, the samples were retrieved after 56 hours," he points out.

Shafee wants to submit an article in Thai, where the conclusion is in English, but Ram Karpal objects.

"This article has been pointed out in the High Court and the Court of Appeal, we cannot allow an article which is in Thai in court.

"If not we might as well take an article in Spanish," argues the defence lawyer.

Justice Arifin notes the objection.

While Shafee continues to submit further on the Thai article, Justice Suriyadi stops him and says he cannot decipher what is in the article although it is related to a sexual offence.

"For all we know it could be against a chicken," says the judge.

Shafee says he takes the point and maintains it is not about a chicken. But Justice Suriyadi has the courtroom in stitches when he quips, “It could be about KFC for all we know".

Sperm dimasukkan ke uterus buat mahasiswa pro PKR GPA 1.6

Jam 1215: Satu lagi penjelasan kenapa tak mungkin air mani Anwar saja di inject ke dubur Saiful seperti dikatakan oleh anwar dan KELNDAIAN boleh percaya buta.

12.15pm: Shafee says if there is DNA, it makes the case stronger.

He raises the question again as to how Anwar's semen could have been planted with some signs of degradation as the sperm found did not have tails.

"This shows there is degradation. If it is planted, where could we get the accused’s sample and aged it a little," he says.

Jam 1213: Saiful's underwear with accused semen stains worn 2 days after sodomy not incredible due to protoscope exams done on Saiful.

Note: Saiful's underwear worn on the day of alleged sodomy was washed & hence no traces of accused semen.

Ada faham Gopal Sri Ram????

 12.07pm: Moving to Saiful's grey underwear, which he used when going to HKL, where semen stains of Anwar were found, Shafee explains it is not incredible.

The defence lawyers, he says had questioned how could this be and he explained that it could be as a result of Dr Osman inserting the proctoscope to inspect Saiful's anus.

Or it could be discharge retrieved from Saiful by the HKL doctors, the prosecutor explains.

Jam 1140: Shafie kisahkan DNA ke 3 serupa kes DNA orang yang tidak dapat dikesan dalam kes Teoh beng Huat. Kalau ini pun badigol tak faham, ulang balik periksa SPM tu ...

Bodoh sangat!!!

LFL: Shafee - unexplained 3rd party DNA in Saiful's samples could be that of Dr Osman ie the first Dr who examined him. Or unidentified 3rd party DNA could be of anybody like in TBH's inquest where an unknown DNA sample was attached to TBH's belt.

Shafee reading notes of evidence of DNA expert to clarify how she classified her analysis.

11.40am: ‎In many of these cases, McDonald's testimony had been rejected and that is the reason why the appellate court says he is an armchair expert.

On the allele 18, Shafee says Saiful's was examined by Dr Mohd Osman Abdul Hamid and there was no evidence that the proctoscope used was sterile.

"There is no evidence whether Dr Osman wore gloves as he was all over the anus of Saiful.

"There is possibility that Osman's DNA is deposited on Saiful," he says.

 11.50am: Shafee says this could explain the contamination.

Now he discusses the photographs taken from Anwar's lock-up, which show the toothpaste, toothbrush and towel which have already been used.

He says we can conclude Anwar opened the package on those items, which were handed over by the police.

Shafee says the 18 allele found on Saiful's peri-anal region could be from Dr Osman.

"The allele 18 just appeared once and what PW6 says is that it is a starter. Starter is a reading that is false."

Jam 1148:  Macam Dr Porntip, Pakatan sekali lagi guna pakar asing yang conman, Brian McDonald. Asal omputih saja dia ingat bagus ....

LFL: Shafee attacking credibility of defence DNA expert McDonald saying that his expertise has been rejected in Aust cases.

 11.15am: Shafee reads defence witness Dr Brian McDonald's testimony, where he says these are pristine DNA i.e. samples found from Saiful.

He says even Australians classify McDonald as an “armchair expert” and not only the Court of Appeal.

(In convicting Anwar, the appellate court found the defence witnesses as armchair experts)

"Australian judges held the same about the defence experts whom they described as armchair experts," says Shafee.

 11.22am: Shafee says Malaysia is already there, together with Singapore, on DNA testing.

He says McDonald should not be relied upon as the Australian court also does not accept his evidence.

"He has been rejected in many courts in Australia and Brunei," says Shafee.

 11.32am: McDonald's testimony had been rejected since 2007 and also in two cases in 2014, says the prosecutor.

McDonald, Shafee adds, will testify on anything "under the sun".

Jam 1052: LFL: Shafee - DNA experts said DNA reading was perfect, pristine not that DNA samples were pristine. chemist evidence should be accepted at face value unless it can be shown that it was inherently incredible or not credible.

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