Monday, November 3, 2014

LIVE from Putrajaya: Shafee selesai submission, Ada rayuan balas untuk 20 tahun!!!

Jam 1510:

LFL: Shafee explaining that the KY jelly was not given to the chemist as there was no need to ascertain that it was indeed KY jelly.

Saiful is a believable witness. He has credibility. There is ample corroboration including DNA evidence.

 Shafee closes his submissions & also reminds the court there is a cross appeal by the AG.

 Hearing adjourns to Thursday, 9 am.

2.50pm: Shafee says Karpal wanted to get a copy of Saiful's cautioned statement and in asking for it, it does not mean he had apply to impeach the star witness (Saiful).

"A mere hunch is not enough. Quite clearly Karpal's application was not impeachment but to apply for Saiful's cautioned statement," he adds.

 3.00pm: Shafee says Saiful is not an accomplice as he is a victim of a sex crime.

"The DNA of Anwar is found in several exhibits. Therefore there is corroboration," he says.

Shafee finishes his submission and says the cross-appeal will be addressed later if the court finds Anwar guilty.

Gopal applies that they continue on another day, perhaps Thursday.

Jam 1500: LFL: Shafee attempting to explain Saiful meeting so many people before the alleged sodomy act & before lodging the police report.

2.40pm: Shafee further says Saiful's grey underwear staining shows corroboration.

He further explains nobody seemed to care about Saiful when he met with senior police officer Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof until after the incident occurred.

"This could explain why Saiful only lodged the report two days after the incident as no one took Saiful's plight seriously," he adds.

Itu yang lepas tu Anwar lari macam orang salah ke kedutaan turki. Itu pun ramai KELDAIAN tak boleh faham. Benak ... KALDAI-KELDAI ni ....

Jam 1446:

LFL: Shafee attempting to explain Saiful meeting so many people before the alleged sodomy act & before lodging the police report.

Jam 1442:  Ehh ... malunya Gopal Sri Ram main hujah foto yang tak layak dijadikan bukti???  Ini mesti percaturan propagadna Anwar Ibrahim ... MESTI PUNYA!!!

2.35pm: Shafee refers to the photograph which shows Saiful at Anwar's tea function.

Lead defence counsel Gopal Sri Ram had previously argued that cameras do not lie, and it shows the demeanour of Saiful.

Shafee says the photograph is not admissible as the photographer need to be called.

"This is a documentary evidence and rules apply. If not it is documentary hearsay."

Shafee says while Gopal claimed Saiful looked normal, the government prosecutor says the complainant looked upset.

"Hence this is very subjective," he says.

LFL: Shafee attempting to explain Saiful serving tea/ coffee & curry puff to Anwar & guests after the alleged sodomy.

Jam 1400: Ada usaha macam nak buat diversion guna isu baru melibatkan pelajar asrama di dera  untuk tenggelamkan perbicaraan Anwar.

Sebab Anwar diliwat di asramaa lah dia mahu liwat orang pula ...

Jam 1320: Dah dijangka kumpulan Manikavasagam nak buat kekecuhan. Polis tak dapat tahan dari berlaku. ISA takde ... makan kejadian kena dibiarkan berlaku dahulu

1.20pm: Some 50 Saiful supporters have gathered outside the Palace of Justice with banners and placards.

Among those present was Salahuddin Abdullah, 22, from Sepang, who told Malaysiakini that Anwar has tarnished Islam.

"We must fight against those who soil Islam," he said.

Meanwhile, some 20 Anwar supporters created a minor commotion when they gathered at the steel barricades and asked the police to let them through but this was denied.

The group was led by Kuala Selangor PKR branch chief S Manikavasagam.


Sementara itu ada pula yang menari-nari pula ....

Macam diversion untuk buat sesuatu saja .....

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