Friday, November 7, 2014

LIVE dari Putrajaya: Tiada usaha nafi liwat, Hanya cari silap teknikal untuk lepas

Baca pembentangan semalam di SINI, SINI dan SINI.

Oleh kerana sumber yang diambil adalah Twitter LFL ddan Mkini maka laporan mereka tak sepenuh. Banyak insiden di mana Hakim banyak persoalkan kenyataan2 peguam yang tidak di laporkan. Ram karpal paling ketara terganggu dan gelabah dengan soalan2 hakim. 

Di samping itu paling ketara pihak pembelaan tiada usaha untuk nafikan perbuatan anwar tapi hanya cuba menimbulkan keraguan atau create reasonable doubt. Maka bayak isu petty yag ditimbulkan dan diolah balik hujah-hujah sama di perbicarran di mahkamah rayuan dan tinggi.

Maka tiada point of law yang utama telah ditimbulkan. Semua hanya modal untuk wayang politik!!!

Jam 1557: Mahkamah kata pihak Pembelaan tiada isu baru maka Shafee tak perlu pembentangan baru

1533; Shafee not allowed to reply as no new issue raised. Hearing ends! Decision day to be announced.

Jam 1550:  Gopal kata  mahkamah kena terima terima konspirasi?

Jam 1341: Anwar should be forgiven for alleging conspiracy - he was convicted, jailed but ultimately acquitted. Now charged for similar offence. Now Anwar being hounded again by a complainant who is without merit & should not be believed. So he should be allowed to say conspiracy

 3.38pm: Gopal says Shafee had criticised Anwar for saying it is a conspiracy and he (Anwar) should be forgiven as Anwar had been charged with a similar offence with a person who had provided questionable testimony in 1998.

Only the Federal Court, he says, had in 2004 acquitted Anwar of the offence by a 2-1 majority judgment, only for Anwar to be charged again for a similar offence with a different person.

He adds that Anwar is being hounded by the prosecution on the strength of a witness whose evidence cannot stand up to the truth.

Gopal thanks the panel and concludes his submission.

Jam 1546: Eh ... baru nak sembahyang zohor ke? Tak mahu solat Jumaat sama dengan anwar di masjid?

Gambar tenggahhari tadi. Rasanya solat hajat untuk Anwar

Jam 1537: Masih dengan konspirasi untuk burukkan Saiful. Mereka tak mahu usaha nak buktikan anwar tak liwat tapi hanya untuk buat teori konspirasi dan create reasonable doubt.

Jam 1531; Saiful is an accomplice that demands corroboration, motive & embellishments, allegation easily made but difficult to rebut. Corroboration is only required if witness was credible. Saiful is a worthless witness, a man devoid of any credibility.

Having regard to missing carpet etc - Saiful's credibility in serious doubt. Saiful in group photo, serving tea etc rebut his evidence that it was "tanpa kerelaan".

 3.23pm: The former federal court judge says Saiful should be considered an accomplice.

Gopal says with regard to the embellishment the complainant put on Anwar, and given the circumstances of the case, the element of motive and the allegation made can be easily rebutted.

"Saiful is indeed a witness whose testimony requires corroboration.

"There is serious doubt the offence took place at all, he is a man whose credibility is in doubt. Once credibility is lacking, corroboration is irrelevant," he adds.

Jam 1534: Masih menegakkan benang basah

Jam 1520: Gopal Sri Ram - Dr Osman s evidence must have been consistent with his stmt to the police - that's why no impeachment. In response to Shafee saying no need to impeach Dr Osman - prosecutor must not have been confident to impeach Dr Osman.

Grave injustice for CoA to discredit Dr Osman's evidence, qualification etc. Saiful is an accomplice that demands corroboration, motive & embellishments, allegation easily made but difficult to rebut

 3.20pm: Gopal defends Dr Osman's testimony as being the same as the statement he gave to the police and there is no need to impeach him.

He adds this shows the doctor was an honest and credible witness.

Kah kah kah ... sakit perut ma

Jam 1524: Sekarang tak salah pondan pakai baju perempaun. Baca MMO SINI

Jam 1520: Tak tahu kenapa semasa di masjid, dia perlu solat tak jauh dari Tun Mahathir. Sap belakang saja .... Nak minta Tun M selamatkan dia?

Dah terbayang ke?

Anwar sembahyang di masjid Mizan dan berjalan ke mahkamah. 

Dalam 2.40 tadi ada kumpulan kecil yang biat Yaasin

Hmmm ... sikit saja. macam ...

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