Monday, November 3, 2014

LIVE dari Putrajaya: Sperrma tanpa ekor boleh peroleh DNA

10.42am: Shafee says while the sperm's tail may dissolve, the head remains.

From the head, he says the chemist managed to get the reading, and the reading was perfect.

Shafee is seen as debunking Ram Karpal's submission that in order to be pristine it must be a fresh sample.

Justice Arifin orders a short recess until 11am.

Jam 1031: LFL: Shafee - reading notes of evidence where DNA experts agreed there would be degradation of sample. No test to show what level of degradation

10.25am: Shafee now replies on the alleged degradation.

He says if the reading is achievable then it should not be questioned.

The prosecutor adds that (chemist) Seah (right) did not say the samples were pristine but rather that the reading is perfect.

He says the Court of Appeal also dealt with the samples and it is not in dispute.

He cites an Australian murder case R vs Butler where a DNA sample was retrieved from a towel which had been buried for 13 years.

"The DNA was found on the towel where semen was found. The reading was considered matching and the accused was convicted for the murder," he says.

Shafee further cites internet articles but Justice Arifin questioned how could the court evaluate internet articles.

"In my case, the reading is perfect."

Jam 1015: LFL Shafee - who would go, to what extent would someone go & get semen, plant evidence?

Anwar should have conducted his own DNA analysis if dissatisfied instead of claiming fabrication etc.

10.15am: Shafee argues that Anwar's case is not the first case where he alleged conspiracy as there was the Indian case.

"How do we explain Anwar's semen sample found (in Saiful's anus). The broad allegations of conspiracy must be believable and logical, and the court should evaluate this."

"The defence has not explained how Anwar's semen was there," says the government-appointed prosecutor.

10.05am: Shafee points out that while Anwar has claimed the sodomy case was the greatest ‘fitnah’ against him, he did not deny his presence at the said apartment (condo).

Shafee shows the court the arrival of Anwar and Saiful from the closed-circuit camera.

"It is Anwar's duty to dispute this (his presence at the condo unit)."

With the defence of alibi abandoned, Shafee says this would attract an adverse inference made against the accused.


 9.36am: Government-appointed prosecutor Shafee cites various case laws where adverse inference can be made against Anwar for not calling his alibi witnesses.

He refers to an Indian Supreme Court decision in the case of a politician who killed his wife to keep their marriage secret and tried to dispose the body by burning it in a ‘tandu’ (oven).

The politician, Shafee says, gave a list of alibi witnesses but none of them were called to prove his alibi.

But there were evidence to prove the politician's presence when the body was burnt at a restaurant which he owns, says the prosecutor.

"The failure to call alibi witnesses is considered an independent corroborative evidence."

10am: Shafee says according to the Indian case, a corroborative evidence can be made against Anwar when he failed to call his alibi witnesses.

"We (the prosecution) have proven Anwar's presence in the particular (condominium) unit," he says.

Justice Suriyadi asks whether the accused testified from the dock or otherwise in the Indian case, Shafee says the Indian politician had exercised his right to remain silent.

The prosecutor submits two photographs to show Anwar and Saiful in the said condo unit where the incident happened.

Kumpulan Manivasagam yang rempuh gate hari itu

Jam 0900:

Shafee - con't submissions on Anwar's notice of alibi. none of the witnesses listed in the alibi were called. Court can comment & draw inference from defence's failure to follow up on the alibi notice. Saiful was cross examined on alibi.

Shafee narrating in detail the tandoori murder case in India - illicit sex & murder of a woman involving a tandoori oven.  Defence cannot simply abandon the defence of alibi. once u have opened the umbrella, u must use it irrespective of rain or shine.

 Shafee drawing similarities between tandoori murder case where the court rejected the accused defence that evidence was fabricated vs him.


 9.30am: Shafee reads out the court's transcript. He says former defence lawyer Karpal Singh (right) had then said an alibi notice was given.

"The defence is short lived as none of them are called."

He cites a case law where an adverse inference can be invoked following the defence’s failure to call its alibi witnesses.

Takyah komenlah KELDAIAN ... mcm std SPM

Jam 1102: Pemerhati asing kata mahkamah adil

PUTRAJAYA, Oct 31, 2014:
International observers have stated that the current appeal by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on his sodomy 2 conviction is going smoothly so far.
According to Union of Civil Liberties senior adviser Danthong Breen, the ongoing hearing has been fair on both sides.
“This is a great example of the trial as it is not often that the courts have given both sides all the time to present their submissions.
“I have attended the previous trials at the High Court and the Court of Appeal and each time the evidence was expanded and given more in detail,” he said when met outside the court at the Palace of Justice here today.
However Breen said while that factor adds greater value for the whole legal system but his doubts on the case have increased.
“When you have the two arguments presented by both sides, there are doubts about the fact of guilt and also doubts about innocence.

Jam 0900: Shafee dah mula. LFL ni paham ke apa di akata fabrication? Yang pembela nak create doubt gunalah hujah yang tak boleh dijawab atau ada pelbagai kemungkinan lain/ Itu hanya menunjukkan pembela TAK ADA FAKTA asas untuk timbulkan KERGUAN YANG BERKEYAKINAN!!

Apa pun kita guna info Twitter Lawyer for Liberty dan Malaysiakini sebagai sumber. Tak perlu percaya kerana kita akan beri komen juga....

Jam 1000: Kelihatan Tian CHua berucap tapi tak ramai orang keliling mendengar. Kata dia kalau Anwar ditangkap, kita akan kumpul di Dataran hujung minggu ini. Tengok siapa yang kuat?

Dalam ucapan, dia perlekehkan Tan Sri Shafee. Ikut kiu anwar kata dia sensasikan submission dan mahu jadi AG. Buat apa? Dia buat duit lagi banyak sebagai peguam luar????

Masa ni juga nak sibuk pasal rakyat dibebani kenaikkan kos tinggi. Abis Penang dan Selangor apa dilakukan berkenaan rumah rakyat yang mana rumah dibiar kasi naik mendadak!!!

Ronnie Liu

Jangan komplen bila satu hari ini berlaku? Kaldaian ...
Jam 0910: Duduk ramai-ramai ini baca Yaasin ke? Eh ... ada si samseng Ronnie Liu. Mana cina? Apsal Melayu saja????????

Cilaka lu kasi kaldai Melayu!!!!

Jam 0900: Samad Said tiba. Kumpulan yang bakal rempuh gate ari itu yang pakai merah dan hitam. Duit dah bayar belum. Nanti Jonah bawak lari lepas mahkamah kang  ...

Jam 0840: Spendar Stopa Ali buat apa?

Jam 0830: Risalah, banner dan laungan reformasi kedengaran

Jam 0820: Pelbagai gambar

Warkah Akhir Untuk Saudaraku.

Saudaraku, esok 4 November 2014 mungkin kali terakhir kita dapat menjejak tanah yang sama, berbumbung langit yang serupa dan menghirup udara yang tiada beza tanpa hadangan tembok penjara dan tirai besi.Rejim zalim Barisan Nasional menerusi aparatnya kelihat amat tidak sabar untuk
kembali menghumban saya ke penjara.

Esok juga mungkin peluang akhir saya berjabat tangan dan menatap wajah saudara semua.Saya dan Azizah serta seluruh keluarga ingin memohon maaf jika terdapat salah dan silap yang kami lakukan sepanjang jalan perjuangan kita.

Kepada sahabat yang setia, terima kasih kerana teguh bersama menegakkan cita-cita Reformasi dan Islah yang kita dokong selama ini.Saya tidak mungkin dapat bertahan begini lama tanpa dokongan dan doa daripada saudara sekalian.

Buat rakan-rakan Pakatan Rakyat, harapan saya agar kerjasama kita dapat diperkukuh demi matlamat menumbangkan kezaliman dan menegakkan keadilan.Untuk anak-anak muda sekalian, masa depan Malaysia ditangan kamu semua.Bangkitlah dengan jiwa merdeka, jangan dilemahkan dengan ugutan penguasa.Kamu penentu masa depan negara.
Walaupun rencana jahat mereka mampu memenjarakan jasad saya, berjanjilah bahawa jiwa dan perjuangan kita tetap bebas dan terus menyusur ke segenap jiwa saudara semua.
Saya tetap optimis, perubahan tetap akan berlaku di bumi tercinta ini.Kita jumpa esok di Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya.

Reformasi! Allahuakbar!

Anwar Ibrahim.
Bukit Segambut,
3 Nov 2014 . 2145hrs

Jam 0830; Setakat tadi sudah ada 300 orang datang. Mereka ingat hari ini keputusan.
Salam Reformasi.
Seperti yang semua sedia maklum, perbicaraan politik terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah memasuki fasa terakhir di mana selama 3 hari awal peguam pihak pembelaan membentangkan hujah dan fakta.
Dijangkakan minggu hadapan pada 4 November (selasa) setelah tamat hujahan pihak pendakwa, dan hujahan balas pembelaan. Panel 5 Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan akan membuat keputusan samada Datuk Seri Anwar akan dibebaskan oleh konspirasi ini atau akan dipenjara.
Kami menyeru kesemua sahabat untuk bersama kami menyatakan solidariti terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar dengan hadir beramai-ramai ke Istana Kehakiman Putrajaya pada 4 November 2014.
Keputusan kes ini bukan hanya melibatkan batang tubuh Datuk Seri Anwar sahaja, tetapi bakal menentukan masa depan Malaysia samada Badan Kehakiman masih lagi terkonkong oleh pengaruh Politik atau komited terhadap keadilan.
Ayuh semua saudaraku pelbagai kaum, Jumpa Anda di Sana!
Khabarnya Permatang Pauh hantar 14 bas. Hmmm ... berapa bas yang berisi kelak?

Tan Sri Shafee dijangka sambung hujah pukul 11 pagi. Lepas digulong oleh Dato Gopal Sri Ram. Dikuti oleh penggulongan Shafee. Mungkin lepas itu tangguh dulu.

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