Friday, August 15, 2014

Editor M'kini salahkan Anwar, Raja Petra kata ini bukan isu Khalid

Twit editor kanan Malaysiakini mengenai krisis MB Selangor yang berlarutan:

1. @fathiarisomar: Kenyataan naib presiden PAS tadi, agak saya, paling pedas dan panas membidas Anwar, Azizah dan PKR

2. @fathiarisomar: Salahuddin Ayub timbulkan isu sikap autokratik, pemujaan individu dan nepotisme! Ini bahasa untuk kecam Anwar!

3. @fathiarisomar: Jelas sekali PAS mulai berang dengan sikap keras kepala PKR, Anwar untuk terus mahukan Azizah sebagai MB

4. @fathiarisomar: PAS sudah nyatakan menolak Azizah sebagai MB. Tapi PKR terus desak PAS tinggalkan terus Khalid biar kerajaannya runtuh

5. @fathiarisomar: PAS bisikkan pada Anwar – mereka tidak setuju Azizah jadi MB. Peliknya, PKR “curi” dua wakil rakyat PAS untuk sokong Azizah

6. @fathiarisomar: Anwar, PKR kemaruk betul mahu naikkan Azizah. Tidak cukup bergaduh dengan Khalid, kini ajak gaduh dengan PAS. #payah!

Baca seterusnya di MyKMU SINI

Sementara itu, Raja petra Kamaruddin telah menulis satu artikel yang begitu jelas mengenai keadaan terkini. Khalid tidak lagi patut dipersalahkan dan dia ada 3 sebab ...

It’s not about Khalid Ibrahim any more

August 15, 2014
by Super Admin 

Oh, and if you do not like HRH the Sultan’s choice of new Menteri Besar, you can, yet again, pass a vote of no confidence against this new Menteri Besar. And you can keep doing this every few months until the next GE in 2018 or so, one ousted Menteri Besar after another.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

The debate is still raging as to whether Khalid Ibrahim is still legally (or morally) the Menteri Besar of Selangor.

Some same legally ‘yes’ but morally ‘no’. Some say both legally and morally ‘no’. Some say even if he no longer commands the majority in the Selangor state assembly he must be legally or constitutionally removed. And that would be through a vote of no confidence against him in the Selangor state assembly.

Some even quote the Perak Crisis of five years ago as the precedence in which to remove Khalid, while at the same time saying that the way Nizar Jamaluddin, the Perak Menteri Besar, and Pakatan Rakyat, were removed is wrong, even if the court upheld HRH the Sultan of Perak’s decision. After all, say these critics, the court will do what it is told (by the Barisan Nasional government, that is). Hence we cannot trust the court.

This means what happened in Perak is wrong but doing in Selangor what they did in Perak is right.

Different lawyers and legal/constitutional experts have different opinions. That is how lawyers make money — by arguing these differences of opinions in court. If the law is clear then no need to go to court. Only when it is ambiguous and is not clear do we need to go to court and make lawyers rich.

Baca sepenuhnya SINI.

Salahnya terletak pada Anwar yang gagal mencapai kata sepakat dan bercanggah dengan tuduhannya BN mengamalkan kronisma.

Pakatan Rakyat pula berbeza pandangan.

Manakala penyelesaiannya bukan terletak pada Khalid tapi terletak kepada Sultan yang telah arahkan Khalid supaya jangan membuat apa-apa keputusan dan komen lagi hingga Tuanku pulang pada Ogos 27hb.

(Malay Mail Online) – Calling for an emergency state assembly sitting or holding snap elections cannot take place without first obtaining the Selangor Sultan’s consent, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim pointed out today, as he deflected calls from his detractors to prove his legitimacy as mentri besar.

Khalid, who was responding to claims that he no longer commands the confidence of the state assembly, said that nothing can take place until and unless the state ruler is formally informed of the situation.

Baca sepenuhnya SINI

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