Sunday, August 31, 2014

PPS muslihat persoal kuasa pusat, percaturan politik Sarawak/Sabah

Itu isu yang cuba dibakar Lim Guan Eng dengan membakar laman rumahnya dengan molotov cocktail lalu membuat polis terpaksa tangkap disebabkan Guan Eng mula main kasar untuk fitnah dan beri amaran terhadap polis.

Ng Wei Aik pun senagaja cabar polis.

Disamping itu, ianya berkait dengan isu membakar rakyat Sarawak untuk keluar dari Malaysia yang didalang DAP melalui kaum cina luar DAP. Itu dilihat tidak terlibat maka ini auta Chong Chen Jen:

Selama ini, isu yang diguna untuk membakar rakyat adalah tentang royalti minyak. Negeri dapat 5% dan persekutuian mendapat 5%. Selain itu, Petronas membayar cukai.

Jika negeri mahu royalti sampai 20% atau pun 10%, ia nya sudah tidak feasible. Negara lain pun tidak dapat royalti 10% tapi tetap 5%. Syarikat minyak melarikan cukai.

Model petronas adalah paling pemurah sekali dalam dunia dan membolehkan kerajaan dapat pungut cukai hingga ada cerita lama-lama mengatakan Tun Razak mahu dibunuh oleh kuasa asing.

Petroluem Development Act lari lahir dari ide seorang pemimpin Sarawak bernama Tun Abdul Rahman Yaacob untuk ditubuhkan sarikat minyak kerajaan:

The Malaysian government chose to create a state company, rather than using taxes, production limits, leasing, or other familiar instruments of supervision. The government wanted, and needed, the co-operation of the majors but also sought to assert national rights over the use of the country's resources.

A state company, having both supervisory powers over the majors and production activities of its own, was a workable compromise between allowing the majors full rein and excluding them, along with their capital and expertise, altogether.

PETRONAS was established in August 1974 and operates under the terms of the Petroleum Development Act passed in October 1974. It was modelled on Pertamina, the Indonesian state oil and gas company founded in 1971 in succession to Permina, which had been set up in 1958.

According to the 1971 plan, PETRONAS' goals would be to safeguard national sovereignty over oil and gas reserves, to plan for both present and future national need for oil and gas, to take part in distributing and marketing petroleum and petrochemical products at reasonable prices, to encourage provision of plant, equipment, and services by Malaysian companies, to produce nitrogenous fertilizers, and to spread the benefits of the petroleum industry throughout the nation.

On 6 September 1974, Malaysia's then prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak, announced the appointment of Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as chairman and chief executive of PETRONAS. Tun Razak said: "From among the new blood, I intended to bring Tengku Razaleigh into the Cabinet. However, I have an important job for him, a job as important as that of a Cabinet Minister. I have decided to appoint him as chairman and chief executive of PETRONAS, which is equivalent to being a Cabinet Minister.".[8] Subsequently, Razaleigh had to relinquish his job as Chairman of PERNAS which he held from 1970, but retained the chairmanship of Bank Bumiputra.

Having created PETRONAS, the government had to choose what forms its dealings with private oil companies would take. Starting with its legal monopoly on oil and gas activities and resources, it had several options: it could simply award concessions without taking part in production, management, or profits; it could try offering services at the supply end; or it could make contracts to cover profit-sharing, production-sharing, joint ventures—sharing both profits and costs—or all stages of the process, under "carried-interest" contracts.

PETRONAS' first move was to negotiate the replacement of the leases granted to Royal Dutch/Shell on Borneo and to Esso in the Peninsula with production-sharing contracts, which have been the favoured instrument, alongside joint ventures, ever since. These first contracts came into effect in 1976.

Allowing for royalties to both federal and state governments, and for cost recovery arrangements, they laid down that the remainder would go 70% to PETRONAS and 30% to the foreign company. Esso began oil production in two offshore fields in 1978, exporting its share of the supply, unlike PETRONAS, whose share was consumed within the country.

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Disebalik ini adalah kuasa asing yang menyokong kontrator minyak antarabangsa. DAP bersekongkol dengan kuasa asing... jelas!!!

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