Sunday, August 31, 2014

Perlembagaan sebut jelas keselamatan kuasa pusat!!!

SAMM Pulau Pinang bantah tangkapan terhadap PPS. Kenyataan Media SAMM Pulau Pinang seperti berikut:

SAMM Pulau Pinang mengut uk tindakan PDRM yang membuat  tangkapan Pasukan Peronda Sukarela pada sambutan hari Kemerdekaan selepas aktiviti dijalankan di sini pagi tadi.

SAMM juga mempertahankan Pasukan Peronda Sukarela #PPS yang di tubuh di bawah bidang kuasa kerajaan negeri bertaraf agensi negeri.

Penahanan mereka membuktikan sekarang ini pihak polis tidak peka kepada mereka yang banyak membantu dalam semua hal ehwal keselamatan di kampung-kampung serta taman perumahan dalam membantu PDRM mengawal jenayah serta kebajikan penduduk setempat.

Bahkan untuk pengetahuan Datuk Seri Ketua Polis Negara, Jawatankuasa Keselamatan Kebajikan Kampung (JKKK) juga pertubuhan yang tidak berdaftar, adakah mereka juga pertubuhan haram? PDRM jangan hanya menjadi agen pada #UMNO/#BN ketika kegagalan JKKKP tidak dapat mengambil hati masyarakat setempat.

Justeru itu SAMM Pulau Pinang mendesak supaya pihak #PDRM membebaskan mereka segera tanpa syarat.

Aidil Fitri Ibrahim
Penyelaras #SAMM Pulau Pinang
Budak jalanan seperti SAMM fahamkah perlembagaan?

Dalam perlembagaan ada federal dan state list serta concurrent list untuk hal Sabah dan Sarawak tentang kuasa pusat dan negeri. Mengikut Federal List dalam Federal Constitution Schedule 9, tercatat berikut:

2. Defence of the Federation or any part thereof, including -

(a) Naval, military and air forces and other armed forces;
(b) Any armed forces attached to or operating with any of the armed forces of the Federation; visiting forces;
(c) Defence works; military and protected areas; naval, military and air force bases; barracks, aerodromes and other works;
(d) Manoeuvres;
(e) War and peace; alien enemies and enemy aliens; enemy property; trading with an enemy; war damage; war risk insurance;
(f) Arms, fire-arms, ammunition and explosives;
(g) National service; and
(h) Civil defence.
3. Internal security, including -

(a) Police; criminal investigation; registration of criminals; public order;
(b) Prisons, reformatories; remand homes; place of detention; probation of offenders; juvenile offenders;
(c) Preventive detention; restriction of residence;
(d) Intelligence services; and
(e) National registration.
Manakala bidang kuasa negeri dalam state list dalam hal ini hanya berikut:

List II - State List

1. Except with respect to the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, Islamic law and personal and family law of persons professing the religion of Islam, including the Islamic law relating to succession, testate and intestate, betrothal, marriage, divorce, dower, maintenance, adoption, legitimacy guardianship, gifts, partitions and non- charitable trusts; Wakafs and the definition and regulation of charitable and religious endowments, institutions, trusts, charities and charitable institutions operating wholly within the State; Malay customs. Zakat, Fitrah and Baitulmal or similar Islamic religious revenue, mosques or any Islamic public places of worship, creation and punishment of offences by persons professing the religion of Islam against precepts of that religion, except in regard to matters included in the Federal List; the constitution, organisation and procedure of Syariah courts, which shall have jurisdiction only over person professing the religion of Islam and in respect only of any of the matters included in this paragraph, but shall not have jurisdiction in respect of offences except in so fat as conferred by federal law*, the control of propagating doctrines and beliefs among persons professing the religion of Islam; the determination of matters of Islamic law and doctrine Malay custom.

2. Except with respect to the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, land including -

(a) Land tenure, relation of landlord and tenant; registration of titles and deeds relating to land; colonization, land improvement and soil conservation; rent restriction;
(b) Malay reservations or, in the States of Sabah and Sarawak, native reservations;
(c) Permits and licences for prospecting for mines; mining leases and certificates;
(d) Compulsory acquisition of land;
(e) Transfer of land, mortgages, leases and charges in respect of land; easements; and
(f) Escheat; treasure trove excluding antiquities.
3. Except with respect to the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, agriculture and forestry, including -

(a) Agriculture and agricultural loans, and
(b) Forests.
4. Local government outside the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, including -

(a) Local administration; municipal corporation; local town and rural board and other local authorities; local government services, local rates, local government elections;
(b) Obnoxious trades and public nuisances in local authority areas;
(c) Housing and provision for housing accommodation, improvement trusts.
5. Except with respect to the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, other services of a local character, that is to say -

(a) (Repealed).
(b) Boarding houses and lodging houses;
(c) Burial and cremation grounds;
(d) Pounds and cattle trespass;
(e) Markets and fairs; and
(f) Licensing of theatres, cinemas and places of public amusement.
Baca sepenuh di SINI.

Ada ke dalam State List kuasa menjaga keamanan tempatan dan trafik?  Ada ke kata boleh pukul orang???

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