Sunday, May 10, 2015

5 pandangan tak melatah, amuk dan histeria TAK SETUJU jual balik tanah

Dibeli pada harga RM2,800, harga pasaran dikatakan sudah bernilai RM3,200 psf hingga RM3,700 psf. Tun M pun ada tulis orang kata pada dia tanah itu dah RM7,000 psf.

Banyak buffer nilai tanah untuk TH bangunkan.

Syarikat Jones Lang Wotton evaluate harga TRX tu RM194 juta tapi TH dpt RM188.5 juta

Sewaan saja boleh beri pulangan RM55-60 juta setahun.



According to market sources, Indonesian commercial developer Mulia Group is in talks with 1MDB to takeover the development of 74 stories Signature Towers at TRX - the same RM500m+ deal for the second block of land that Tabung Haji rejected.

I understand that this Mulia group deal is imminent or may already be closed since Tabung Haji rejected it.

The Mulia Group is Indonesia's largest commercial property developer.

Which means that so far, Australia's largest property company Lend Lease (which is doing a RM8billion project at TRX signed in March) and Indonesia's largest property developer has helped "bail-out" 1MDB.

Which is really strange since selling discounted RM185m of land to Malaysia's own Tabung Haji is called a "bail-out" while others buying it at similar prices is not considered bail-out.

Please do remember that TRX's original name was KLIFD - where the "I" stands for International. It has always been the GOAL and INTENTION for TRX to be international in nature and bring in foreign investors who would then bring in foreign companies to be housed there.

As for TRX land being undervalued, let's consider the following.

Purchase price= RM320million

Cost for resettlement, compensation, planning, development, rezoning and marketing, infrastructure (roads and a few underground highway access tunnels, electricity, water etc) = RM 2 billion (could be more than this and 1MDB can confirm)

Total cost of TRX land to 1MDB = RM2.32 billion.

Land size = 70 acres
Usable land = 70% or 49 acres (because need to set-aside land to build roads, open space, water and sewerage facilities, electricity substations etc)
Land allocated to public park = 20 acres
Usable land after public park = 29 acres

Therefore cost price psf of usable TRX land  = RM2.32b divided by 29 acres
= RM1,837 psf

Not so cheap anymore, huh?

And plus, 1MDB has been funded RM1 million of actual real money and had to loan the rest. Heck RM1 million also no enough to pay for legal fees for some of these land deals.

Thus if govt does not allow 1MDB to make money from the land assets, then how the heck are they going to make money to pay the interest and repay the loans?

If you know the magic formula, please tell Najib.

It is truly sad that foreigners see the vast potential of TRX as planned by 1MDB and willing to put their money where their mouth is and invest big bucks at the high prices set by 1MDB while locals who are biased (and probably want 1MDB to fail) see it as bail-outs.


Berebut nak tanah 1mdb

1. Tanah dibeli pada harga RM188 juta. Kos pembangunan TH untuk bina SERVICE apartmen nanti ialah RM462 juta. So, total kos kepada TH ialah RM650 juta.

2. Gross development value yang diunjurkan oleh TH ialah RM828juta. Projek siap dalam tiga tahun. Dengan mengambil kita kos RM650juta (tanah+pembangunan), pulangan kepada TH ialah 21.5% Atau 7.16% setahun.

3.  Memang betul TH bayar up front 100%. Selalunya pembeli bayar 10% dulu dan selepas semua urusan pembelian dan urusan pindah milik selesai 90% akan dibayar. Tetapi dalam kes ini TH bayar 100%.

4.  TH berpendapat tanah itu begitu strategik dan harga RM188 juta itu adalah diskaun lebih kurang 20%. Dan TH tidak mahu tanah itu dibeli oleh pihak lain. Walau bagaimanapun TH desak 1MDB untuk bagi cagaran dan Security untuk pembayaran penuh RM188 juta itu kerana jika urusan pindah milik tidak berlaku, TH akan kerugian. 1MDB telah "mencagarkan" kepada TH sebidang tanah dalam TRX yang telah ada geran dan bernilai 1.7 kali lebih dari tanah yang dibeli oleh TH itu (nilai tanah cagaran itu ialah sekitar RM300juta ++).

Tanah cagaran itu telah pun di caveatkan di pejabat tanah oleh TH. TH mempunyai "First Right OF refusal" terhadap tanah cagaran itu. Maknanya tanah cagaran itu akan jadi milik TH jika tanah yang dibeli itu tidak menjadi.

Tanah cagaran itu terletak dalam TRX juga.

5.  TH ada dana pendeposit sebanyak RM56bilion. Tahun lepas dividen yang diberi ialah 25%. Nilai dividen tahun lepas yang diberi kepada pendeposit ialah RM3.25billion.

6.  Dividen sejak 2009 ialah seperti berikut. 2009 (dividen 5%, nilai RM1.1b), 2010 (5.5%, RM1.3b), 2011 (6%, RM1.7b), 2012 (8%,RM2.5b), 2013 (8%, RM2.6b), 2014 (8.25%, RM3.25b)

7.Maknanya Kalau angka untuk tahun 2014 dikekalkan tahun ini, TH kena cari keuntungan sekurang kurangnya RM3.5 bil setahun iaitu RM3.25b untuk dividen dan RM150juta untuk subsidikan kos naik haji. Ini tak masuk kos operasi TH.

8. Berikut adalah pecahan kemana dana TH digunakan. 50% dalam ekuiti, 20% fixed Income, 20% dalam Property dan 10% dalam bentuk cash Or cash equivalent.


Dari comment saya tempat lain. Harap blh faham...

Though some do take up loan for cases the development plan is ready and approvrd, believe most developer buy cash for land and keep as landbank.

So the mode of payment is a biss one sided view of the deal.

Some salient points on the TH residential plot:

- Sale price: RM188.5M.
- Land Area: 67,954 Sq ft.
- Price PSF: RM2733 PSF.

However note plot ratio is 10.4 so the GFA is 710,418. Correct way to assess is PSF GFA price which is RM265 PSF.

Best comparable is MRCB recent purchase of German Embassy land for RM3,188 PSF land area and RM318 PSF GFA. So TH got a 16% discount to what MRCB paid.

Note also that the land is sold with full planning permission per the masterplan so all TH has to do is complete their building design and off they go.

In addition, 1MDB will be spending over RM2B in infrastructure which will be best in KL per below:

- Largest underground MRT Station (Dual Line 1 and 2)
- Direct connectivity to MEX, SMART, Duke 3, Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Sultan Ismail
- First Class Public Realm (20 acres)
- Pedestrian Links within TRX and connecting to KL Shopping Belt
- TRX Precinct streetscape enhancements
- Upgrades to surrounding roads
- On-site Power Management Unit
- Waste water treatment Plant
District cooling plant
- CBD Security Measures
- Digital Backbone for District Management, Traffic and Security

Comparatively, TRX’s infrastructure plan surpasses any other standard infrastructure being offered by leading developments in KL city centre.

The selling price of the TRX land is inclusive of full-fledge infrastructure provision which benefits the purchaser as the infrastructure components will be delivered by the master developer to the plot boundary.

Moreover, with strong government support, TRX offers valuable gazetted TRX-specific tax incentives to both developers and TRX marquee tenants.


Would like to share an explanation given by a friend of mine who is a director of THP Board.

"I did not comment bcos of I'm on holiday & do not want to spoil it by having to reply whats apps back & forth.Lagi pun I tgk byk sgt suspicion I rasa apa I kata it will not make much difference.

What I can say as a THP director and a long time friend of most of you is that to the best of my knowledge there is no bail out intention in purchasing the apartment land parcel at TRX.Thp dah mula evaluate tanah ni sebelum I masuk lagi dan seblm Jho Low fiesco sb thp want to be a part of & profit fr 1 of Msia's most prestigious devt.We evaluated 2 parcels and opt out of Signature Tower bcos it is too big of investment & we cannot ensure that it can be shariah compliance.

We negotiated the price and managed to get it below market.Why not RM60 or so as paid by 1mdb to the govt.That is raw land awarded by govt to their prefered party.What TH paid for is converted land with title,planning approval & infra.Relatively cheap in comparison to similar transacted recently golden triangle lands eg

MRCB membeli tanah kedutaan German yang berdekatan kawasan TRX pada harga RM3188 Psf. (B) Tanah kedutaan perancis dinilai pada RM3190 psf. (C) tanah untuk membina hotel Four Seasons di antara KLCC dan wisma Sentral dibeli pada harga RM3,300 psf. (D) sebidang tanah di jalan conlay berdepan bangunan Seri Melayu dibeli pada harga RM3,299 psf.

Dulu Dr Mahathir bg tanah pada harga murah kepada Ananda & sell a block to Petronas at market price.Similarly UEM dpt tanah keliling Bkt Jalil & Stadium Merdeka(tetapi financial crisis Danaharta takeover Merdeka Stafium & Pnb ambil aleh).Tanah Pekeliling flats given murah2 pada org Pak Lah sampai skrg tak blh take off.Dtg terhegeh minta TH bail out kita tolak.Blm buat apa2 dia dah belanja rm350j.This time TRX land & Sg Besi airport land bg pada 1mdb.It was under Msia's Economic Transformation Programme.I personally think it is a good idea until it was hijacked by Jho Low & kuncu2nya.Itu Najib kena jwb nothing to do with us at THP

I pun selalu tanya pasal apa govt tak blh alienate terus tanah pada TH.Buat berpuluh proposals I tgk dlm rekod TH dari zaman Mahathir PakLah & even now utk alienate govt lands be it federal or states(bn/pr) tapi tak dpt kerana kita tak blh bawa brief case pada govt servants or politicians kerana kita TH.Selalu kita kena beli market rate.Dlm atau luar negara.Alhamdulillah due to hardwork and professionalism

Among current THP employees & directors we hv done well.While at the same time cuci taik2 yg dibuat oleh predecessors kita.Glomax Tower sb boss THP dulu sign agreement bodoh bangunan takdak service ducting.Kita kena retrofit.

We contribute to the 6-8% that u hv been enjoying.Funny nobody complaint masa dpt devident hari tu.

TH ada dana pendeposit sebanyak RM56bilion. Tahun lepas dividen yang diberi 8.25%. Nilai dividen tahun lepas yang diberi kepada pendeposit ialah RM3.25billion.

(8) Dividen sejak 2009 ialah seperti berikut. 2009 (dividen 5%, nilai RM1.1b), 2010 (5.5%, RM1.3b), 2011 (6%, RM1.7b), 2012 (8%,RM2.5b), 2013 (8%, RM2.6b), 2014 (8.25%, RM3.25b)

Maknanya Kalau angka untuk tahun 2014 dikekalkan tahun ini, TH kena cari keuntungan sekurang kurangnya RM3.5 bil setahun iaitu RM3.25b untuk dividen dan RM150juta untuk subsidikan kos naik haji. Ini tak masuk kos operasi TH.Nak invest di Arab Saudi, D Ridza blh confirm depa penipu besaq. Nak invest overseas Treasury restrict

We hv to keep working hard to generate income for TH to achieve the above.For your infor we only get rm500 per board seating.Now I'm evaluating a devt project for THP Near Hammersmith Bridge London.I'm not even paid.Lillahitaala!

Even when we come here for meeting later we'll only be paid rm500 not £.

So you can withdraw your money if you wish.But I'm putting in more of my hard earned lifetime saving into the only organisation that give me assurance that it invest only in Halal investments and pays zakat upfront.Asb,epf,esp banks do not.

Now you have spoilt my holidays."
Flying Kick

Banyak pihak yang rasional dan tak emosi kata tak patut Benchmark menakut-nakutkan pendeposit 8 juta orang hanya kerana ia ada isu peribadi dan cemburu sebab pemimpin tertentu tak minta buah fikirannya.

Benchmark juga sabotaj PRK Permatang Pauh. Walau tak boleh menang, satu masa dipercayai ada harapan tipis untuk menang jika tidak ada sabotaj seperti benchmark. Ada juga sabotaj lain.

Ramai cina kata melayu bodoh. Berpolitik hingga sanggup gadaikan harta dan lepaskan peluang keuntungan. Semua sebab cadangan pelaburan yang belum ditetapkan. Akhirnya hanya satu tanah dibeli.

BUkan cina jual melayu tapi melayu jual melayu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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