Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hardev Kaur bukan HR yang dikatakan AKJ

Raja Petra Kamarudin menulis;

Kadir Jasin is grumbling about what he calls the well-planned and well-coordinated attacks on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad and Tun Daim Zainuddin. He even identified the mystery man heading the operation, a person he called H…R…

It seems the mystery man, who is actually a woman, is Hardev KauR. Kadir also accuses her of ordering TV3 to give PKR’s Shamsul Iskandar airtime to attack Daim.

What Kadir did not mention is that he, together with Dr Mahathir and Daim, started attacking Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak first. But now that they are being hit back they find the heat too much to bear.

Earlier this week the Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) visited Daim to record his statement regarding allegations of corruption. Hence the backlash that Daim is facing is more severe and probably too hot for the Mahathir-Daim-Kadir team to handle. This could probably be why this issue is now being raised, as a sort of deflection exercise.


Mystery man behind attacks on Dr M, Daim

(FMT) – Attacks in the mainstream media on former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin appear to be gaining momentum.

That’s the observation made by former New Straits Times Group Editor Kadir Jasin in his latest blog posting.

Meanwhile, added Kadir, despite Najib blasting pro-government bloggers as bangang (stupid) during the recent Umno General Assembly, the bloggers seem to be emerging as an increasingly influential group.

For example, they have been included in the Prime Minister’s entourage, which will leave for Davos, Switzerland, in a few days’ time to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF).

“Apart from enlisting Umno people in their efforts to silence the critics, the mainstream Umno-linked newspapers and TV stations continue to quote the opposition parties,” said Kadir.

He noted that they started to attack Daim a couple of months ago and about a month ago the attacks spread to Mahathir. 

“They were too systematic to be the work of individual reporters and editors chasing after news,” said Kadir. 

“They appear to be working in concert, orchestrated by someone outside the media.”


Tak mungkin Hardev Kaur adalah orang yang dikatakan AKJ sebagai HR.

Hardev adalah bekas editor Business Times dan bukan orang luaredia yang fikatakan perancang dan penasihat.

Hardev tidak terlibat dengan hal politik tapi adalah pegawai akhbar PM untuk hal2 ekonomi, business dan korporat.

Langsung tidak kena mengena dengan merancang serangan ke atas sesiapa.

Oleh itu, kenapa tuba2 Hardev dikaitkan tiba2? Apa perancangan pihak2 yg kaitkan namanya?

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