Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Jeffrey terus mencabar, Mahu didakwa mahu bawa Sabah keluar Msia


Unite and Stand Up for Sabah Sarawak Rights – Dr. Jeffrey

Monday, 01 December 2014

Kota Kinabalu: “Sabahans and Sarawakians need to unite and stand up for their Rights.”   That is the most important message and lesson for Sabahans and Sarawakians to be learnt from the Prime Minister’s move to retain and fortify the Sedition Act against nationalists and activists of Sabah and Sarawak rights as well from the outcome of the Umno (Baru) General Assembly” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in a press statement released today.

It may be a bitter pill to swallow for the leaders and grassroots of Umno Sabah and other BN components from Sabah and Sarawak but the reality has been laid bare at the Umno (Baru) General Assembly that Umno or more appropriately Umno Baru and the Prime Minister from Umno (Baru) cannot be relied upon to safeguard Sabah and Sarawak rights. 

Sadly for Sabah and Sarawak, PM Najib has failed miserably to demonstrate true leadership and failed to show that he is the Prime Minister for all Malaysians, particularly for Sabahans and Sarawakians, and making a mockery of his own “1-Malaysia” slogan. To add salt to injury, there were open calls for “1-Melayu” to replace 1-Malaysia. 

The retention of the Sedition Act after a grandiose announcement to the world in 2012 that it would be repealed is more than a long line of his flip-flop policies and loss of his waning credibility.   

It is more than a simple broken promise for Sabahans and Sarawakians clamouring for a better Malaysia with fair and equitable treatment for them with the restoration of their State rights as promised in the formation of Malaysia. 

The manner of its announcement is sheer arrogance of the highest order and a clear-cut abuse of power taking Malaysia back to the colonial-era of dictatorial control over Malaysians particularly Sabahans and Sarawakians.  Even the British who started the sedition laws know better and the Sedition Act has been abolished in the United Kingdom where sedition is no longer a criminal offence. 

Whatever the views and decisions of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet or the Umno general assembly, it is a clear and undisputed fact of history that Sabah (North Borneo then), Sarawak and Singapore (which left in 1965) formed Malaysia as a new nation on 16 September 1963. Sabah and Sarawak never joined the Federation of Malaya and neither did they form Malaysia to be made the 12th and 13th States. But the Federal government did turn Sabah and Sarawak into the 12th and 13th States by an amendment to the Federal Constitution on 27 August 1976 during the Harris Salleh-led Berjaya era. 

Right from the first discussion between the British government and the Prime Minister of Malaya and his entourage of Ministers in November 1961, it was to be the formation of the Federation of Malaysia comprising 5 territories (later reduced to 4 when Brunei declined the merger).  

As recorded in the Hansard of the British Parliament, the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, Hon. Duncan Sandys, reported to the British Parliament on28 November 1961 that: “As a result of discussions last week with the Prime Minister of Malaya and other Malayan Ministers, we agreed that the creation of a Federation of Malaysia, embracing Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei, was a desirable aim in the interests of the peoples concerned.” 

What is so wrong with seeking the truth and for a review of the Malaysia Agreement and the basis of the formation of Malaysia with the restoration of the rights of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to the Federation of Malaya? 

What is so wrong with seeking the return of Sabah’s oil and gas resources wrongly vested in Petronas by Tun Abdul Razak on 26 March 1975 and the fair and equitable treatment and development of Sabah that were promised in 1963? asked Dr. Jeffrey. 

Sabah and Sarawak nationalists and activists are not seeking secession but restoration of the legitimate rights, privileges and autonomy of the Borneo States that were taken away or eroded since 1963. Of course, there was a basis that led to the formation of Malaysia and if that basis is not honoured, one of the lawful and legal recourse would be a de-merger or dissolution. In such an event, it is not secession. 

These nationalists and activists are not seeking for additional rights or taking away any rights from Malaya or others. The seeking of Sabah and Sarawak rights is not different from the claim for Malay rights in the Peninsula.   

Worse still are the ultra-malays, extremists and racial bigots that are seeking to seize and trample the legitimate rights of others and even to the extent of Umno leaders chasing out Malaysians to leave the federation. If this option is now given by the federal government, probably a majority of Sabahans and Sarawakians would opt to leave Malaysia. 

There is no necessity to threaten and intimidate Sabahans so as to control Sabahans to ensure Umno/Malaya’s dominance and colonization over Sabah.

If the federal government had any decency and treat Sabahans as equal Malaysians, the proper course would have been to engage the nationalists and activists and address not their grievances but the grievances and injustices against the people in Sabah and Sarawak. 

If the federal government and the Home Minister wish to arrest anyone connected with Sabah issues, they should start arresting the traitors and culprits behind the issuance of dubious ICs and MyKads to illegal immigrants, which is still on-going, and the insertion of illegals as voters in the electoral rolls. 

The Prime Minister and Home Minister should be aware that the continued threats against the rights of the Borneo States will not dampen the voices and spirit of the people in Sabah and Sarawak. Any further harassment and continued ignoring of the rights of the Borneo States will only make their voices grow louder.

Given the conclusion from the Umno (Baru) General Assembly, it is now time and imperative for Sabahans and Sarawakians especially Umno and BN leaders to unite and stand up to reclaim their rights in the Federation of Malaysia as the Federation of Malaysia was formed with Sabah and Sarawak and is NOT Persekutuan Tanah Melayu as made out to be by Umno Baru.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan

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