Thursday, June 19, 2014


This is a guest post by NOMADasaurus a great couple who believe (correctly) that personal happiness far outweighs social expectations. This post is about how they acquired total freedom: 

Acquiring Total Freedom

Like how most great travel adventures eventuate, this one began after a chance encounter with a fellow backpacker on a slow boat to Laos. Over many beverages and with hours to kill we began discussing past experiences and how we were unsure what our futures had in store for us. 

During our chats, he told me of one of his previous escapades which consisted of riding a motorcycle from East Russia to London. An epic overland jaunt that stirred my curiosity. Enthusiastically I looked at Lesh and declared that we could do something similar. She agreed and we stuck the idea in the back of our minds.

A few days later we were sitting in a cafe in Luang Prabang, when an absent-minded internet search came back with two Vietnamese-plated motorcycles for sale. That afternoon we were test-riding them.

Our debate whether we should buy the motorcycles didn’t take long. We weighed up our lack of riding experience and knowledge and contrasted it with the sense of freedom and adventure we would have. Will we consider the added dangers of being exposed on these hectic, lawless roads or instead imagine fresh air and sunshine while cruising the mountain regions of South East Asia? 

Obviously, we bought the motorbikes.

We didn’t know about the legality behind crossing international borders with motorbikes that are registered to an anonymous Vietnamese shop-owner. We figured we’d learn that along the way. The other thing we would have to learn rather quickly is how to ride these well-travelled beasts. Luckily you almost always start to swim when thrown in the deep-end. Soon enough we would be weaving in and out of heavy traffic like seasoned veterans.

Armed with a map and a budget tool-kit, we headed north. What we were to discover was unknown, but that added to the fascination. 

The unknown turned out to be dense jungle, spectacular limestone cliff-formations and rustic villages filled with smiling locals. 

The sheer joy of being in complete control of our journey grew exponentially. No longer were we confined to the limitations of bus and train travel. When we grew thirsty, we stopped to purchase drinks from the villagers. When our bodies began to ache from the ride we rested by picturesque rivers. To refresh our minds from the intense concentration required on the mountainous roads we would play games and chat with the local kids.

Being able to travel without the constraints of time is a wonderful feeling. Wake when you want to wake, eat when you want to eat and move on when you want to move on. Total freedom is seldom found in a busy society. You need to venture away from routine and into the wild to find it.

We would ride to wherever we desired, when it suited us. The unknown would greet us each and every day. With a completely spontaneous and illogical purchase, we had bought more than modes of transport. We had acquired our total freedom.

Want to read more? Check out their website: 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Travelling Buzz

I'm Maria from Travelling Buzz. A 22 years old Bulgarian who is thinking about travelling the whole world. My true passion is writing for web. I currently work as an Editor in an online business media in Sofia and I’m trying to balance a normal life and 9/5 job with an unquenchable lust for travel. 

Travel & Tourism are huge part of my life. I study Tourism Economy in one of Bulgaria’s finest universities. I’ve been wanting to work in the industry since I was in school. With my passion for writing, which I discovered in the recent years, I found what I want to do in the future – to write about travel and the places I've been to. Bulgaria is a small country in Southeastern Europe. I've not been to as many places I want to but I have a pretty long Bucket List with so many things I want to do in the future and I think I can start now!

I mostly travel with my boyfriend. I've been to Sicily, my first adventure abroad. Very charming island! That trip was one of my most interesting adventures. Another one was travelling around my home country for 10 days and I'm planning on doing it again this year! Back then I visited 8 cities, travelling by train/bus/feet. The first “real” roadtrip I did in my life. In March 2014 I was in Istanbul. In the beginning of May I was in Paris - a dream come true. I plan to visit Italy this year as well as many cities in Bulgaria!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Overlanders

Meet Linzi and Gwyn (aka The Overlanders) who have broken away from the social norm and been on the nomadic path since 2007.  They met snowboarding, becoming good friends, until 2010, when they officially became a couple.  They have hammered Europe, North America, Africa, the Caribbean and Asia, including a 2-month stint around China and the transiberian express for 3 weeks through Russia.  One of their favourite trips to-date has been a 4-month tour around the USA and Canada in a rented campervan.  They visited 33 American states and 2 Canadian provinces and this is what made them re-think the whole over-landing travel style.  Since then they have bought the quirky Land Rover ambulance Dougal and green mean beast Kermit.

Originally they were travelling in a converted 1977 Land Rover ambulance (Dougal), which was shipped out from the UK to Florida in August 2013. The plan was to visit every country from Mexico to Chile and in between. These 21 countries includes 8 countries in Central America, 13 countries in South America and also the Galápagos Islands and Easter island.  Unfortunately Dougal completed his Central America mission, but couldn't muster the strength to get past Venezuela. Tired of his hissy fits, they shipped him back to the UK, sold him on, got a newer, more reliable vehicle (they hope) and collected there thoughts.  They have just finished working in Dubai for the past 4 months to collect more funds together and have shipped out Kermit, a 1996 Land Rover Defender, converted again by Gwyn to be a fully working over-landing machine, home and office.  They are due to commence South America Expedition part 2 at the end of June 2014.

They have now decided to set up a website of their adventures, giving a honest account of the pros and cons of the places, activities and sights; the trials and tribulations of travelling as a couple; the ups and downs that these trips bring, and to document their expeditions through uploading pictures.  
Their best story from their most recent trip was in Dominical, Costa Rica, were they encounted an experience no money could buy them: they were surfing and behind them two humpback whales were breaching and slapping their fins against the water, entertaining them for 30 minutes like something out of a 'SeaWorld Show'.  National Geographic eat your heart out!
They love the outdoors. They love sports.  They love exploration.  They love gear. They love food. They love photographing it all. But most importantly, they love sharing it with the world, with you.  So jump on the band-wagon, be part of the adventure, be inspired and get the over-landing bug.
 Keep updated with all their drama at or using the social media links below:
Twitter: @the_overlanders